วันเสาร์ที่ 28 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to differentiate between a pimple and a cold sore?

I'm a teen and im pretty sure its a pimple, it's inflamated red on the outside and white on the inner part, by my lip, and im scared its a cold sore? Can anyone help?

Stick a little needle in it and see if pus comes out.

A cold sore hurts much more on the surface where a pimple hurts deeper down inside.

does it look like a blister or a pimple. also in the next few days hrs even if it is a cold sore it will cont to get larrger. put some carmex on it. if it is a cold sore it will dry up and start to get kinda crusty/scabby. if it is a zit the carmex will make it bigger and closer to being ready to pop. Also, alcohal will cause the pimple to come to a head but will hurt like hell on a cold sore. you can get pimples on you lips. If you have aa cold sore, don't kiss anyone and don't let anyone drink after you.

Pimple would be caused by a bacteria. A cold sore would be caused by a herpes virus. Don't freak out! Get some Abreva and apply it to the area. The virus that causes cold sores is contagious and there's no telling where you got it. At any rate, hope you get better. Godloveya.

The two can look very similar.

A cold sore (aka Herpes Simplex 2) is often accompanies by a tingling of the area around it. A cold sore can also be accompanied by a flushed, hot feeling. A cold sore often changes size quickly, while a pimple is much slower developing. However, symptoms vary.

Regardless, just leave it alone. Keep the lip clean, cool, dry and sterile (don't pop it or touch it). A cold sore will get worse if you irritate it (so will a zit, but you are much more worried about a cold sore). If you have an anti-herpes drug like Xovirax, then take it. Herpes also tends to have a trigger - like diet, stress or your environment. If you know your trigger, try and address the trigger (e.g. stress:go for a walk, diet:eat healtheir, allergies:stay indoors).

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help pimple. Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by DaPino