วันพุธที่ 20 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552


OMG i have a pimple and i have picture day 2moroow how do i get rid of it?? ASAP

Ok first put some aloe vera on it so it doesn't get worse and if you use the aloe vera for like a week then the pimple will be gone forever....but to rid of the pimple before tomorrow put toothpaste on it and go to sleep...in the morning put some visine on it if its red and then put some concealer on the pimple and then put on some foundation, a little blush, mascara and a beautiful smile!!! That should help.

Aww man, i have acne, and i use this to get rid of it, or atleast reduce it:

Shower in lukewarm-Hot water so as to wash some of the pores and open them up.

then i get out and put Oxy OR rubbing alchohal on the infested area, then sleep itoff, in the morning, about 1/3 of them should be gone

sinc http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20061019154644AApEPZb&kid=ObNkW3bjWWuvtXDfh0rO&s=comm&date=2008-11-08+17%3A28%3A44&.crumb=

if you have to get rid of it by tommorrow, probably the only thing you can use is make-up.

try a cream toothpaste, put it on and leave it on till it dries or all night.

You can use peroxide on it, that should get rid of it by tomorrow.

That happened to me too! There is nothing you can do about it but if you want a facial might help,go to walmart and buy one there.

OK I know I may sound dumb but I try this all the time and it really works:

If you have eye drops for the eyes:

Put the little bottle in the freezer let it get cold not frozen then put a few drops in a cotton ball and rub it in the pimple it will smoothly go away trust me!!!It will leave you know marks or scars. Trust me it really works!

well don't bust it because you'll scar up your face see if your school has make up picture day.

wash ur face then put toothpaste on it, keep it there for a while, when then u will be going to bed wash ur face again very carefully. im the morning when u wake up and its still there put make-up on it.

drink lots of water, run out and buy an acne mask, put on acne cream before u go to bed, wash ur face when u wake up, add some blush onto the pimple and it shood b unnoticable

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Clean and Clear Spot Acne Treatment.

Dr. Murad’s Acne Complex

All over the world so much research has been done to curb acne because it makes beautiful faces ugly and full of black prominent spots. Very many researches have been conducted and a few have tasted success. One of them is Acne Complex.

Before getting into the details of Acne Complex, we need to know more about acne.

Acne is a skin disorder that usually happens when a person is in the teens. During that particular period of life, in both male and female bodies, Androgen, a male sex hormone, increases. This increase of Androgen does not necessarily happen in everybodys body. But in whosever’s body this increase happens, it causes overproduction of sebum and keratin. This results in clogged pores of the skin and infection. This is called acne. In the case of acne the hormones can create acne beyond teenage years. Especially among women this trend is seen.

Dr. Murad’s Acne Complex says that 3 simple steps, 2 times a day can reduce and clear your skin in 4 weeks. Seeing the popularity of Acne Complex one can understand that Acne Complex is certainly effective.

In the Acne Complex kit there are 3 items. A Clarifying Cleanser, an Exfoliating Acne Treatment Gel and a Skin Perfecting Lotion. The direction of use is given in the Acne Complex kit. Otherwise you can learn it on the website of Acne Complex. You can even order Acne Complex from their website too.

pop it... and use lots of makeup. or go to re-take day.

Calm down! Get some face paint that matches your color. Then in the morning,paint on your pimple and you'll look normal.

วันจันทร์ที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What are some good tips to get rid of a pimple and to stop one from growing?

I have 1 pimple on my nose already almost going away but i have another one coming how can i make it stop growing?

Apply a medium warm wet washcloth to the face to open the pores. Apply a few drops of Tea Tree Oil directly to the area of infection approximately every two hours.

Hydrogen peroxide

nothing can really stop them from coming up. but, lots of soap and water-keeping your skin very clean, can help prevent pimples.

i would reccomend using the newest item on the market called " zap it" it gets rid of pimples very well

Up to this point everyone is putting a band aid on your broken leg. I agree with the Tea Tree Oil for the right now, it is also known as Maleuca Oil. The prevention part, our bodies must release the garbage we put into it. In some of us it's psoriasis or acne. The only way to totally prevent is to eat good food, not all the fast, fried, processed foods. A chiropractor with the right philosophy will tell you better than me. Sometimes pimples are a facial indication of other health problems. Depending on where your pimple is located ie the chin is the kidney area the forehead is a stomach or something like that.

American Largest Online Natural Herbal Solution for Skin Care http://www.revitol.com/?aid=176821

Anti-Aging Solutions

Acnezine Acne Treatment

Cellulite Solution

Stretch Mark Prevention

Hair Removal Cream

Skin Brightener Cream

Skin Exfoliator

Acne Spot Gel

for more American natural herbal products store: http://www.gordoniihoodia.net

What is the best way to get rid of a pimple on the face that really is irritating?

I tried the Clearasil 3 day products and it takes more than 3 days to get rid of a pimple(s).

try: clean and clear maximum strength persa-gel 10

that is what i use, and it amazingly takes pimples away faster, around three days or less.


NO popping. and NO picking.


First off dont pick it itll only get worse or scar. Try washing your face with a mild soap like Dove and then using a face cleanser.

alcohol dries it up

HEAT like a hot wash cloth will bring to turm

Trying using a ice cube and place it on the pimple for five to ten min. The pimple will go down it really works

wash your face with a face cleanser..ice it...diaper rash medicine (works)....prep H (swelling)...toothpaste overnite DONT PICK AT IT

Apply your spit to the pimples after you wake up in morning before brushing, eating or drinking nething ........ thats the first thing u need to do .... and u will see the difference on the same day.....

tasted for years ............ it works

How should I get rid of a extremely difficult pimple?

I have had this pimple on the bridge of my nose for about 3 months, and it will not go away! I haven't tried popping it, because I know that will make it worse. I have tried clean and clear spot treatment stuff, and even proactiv, but nothing helps. What should I do with it?

stab it with a sterilized pin and be done with that sucker!

Hi friend,

Getting rid of pimples is very difficult. Who will know more than me, about this grim truth. But fortunately about 3 weeks back when I was surfing through the net, I came across a website:


wherein some very easy tips were mentioned I just followed them for atleast 2 weeks and you won't believe it just worked wonders for me, Almost 60% of my pimple are gone, without even spending anything.

May god bless you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

try toothpaste. It shrinks pimples right away. Just dab some on, then wipe it off within 1 minute.

Tea Tree oil. Can get this in health food stores.

for 3 months? maybe you should try popping it!

How much Benzac AC 2.5% should I use for thwarting an upcoming pimple on the tip of my nose?

I'm 17, male and my skin isn't sensitive, I purchased Benzac AC 2.5% today and I need to know how should I use it to thwart this upcoming pimple on the tip of my nose? I have an important meeting tomorrow and I don't want this stupid pimple showing up there. Thanks

Also let me know please if I have to rinse it afterwards and how long do I have to keep it on.

Hey :)

I use the exact same type (the 2.5% instead of the 5% or 10%) so I'll be able to help you heaps!

Ok, what I do is in the morning I use a scrub to get rid of all the dead skin cells that have fallen off your face during the night but are still there. Then I cleanse. The area that I get the worst breakouts etc in is around my nose area, so I use toner everywhere APART from my nose (because toner is designed to help close the pores to other things coming in which would make the benzac be less effective as it would have a challenge getting through the smaller pores) and then I put the benzac on my nose and my nose only. DON'T put the benzac on the whole of your face; it's designed to dry it out etc so that will stuff up the rest of your skin. Moisturise everywhere except nose because you're trying to dry it out therefore it would defeat the purpose if you moisturised the pimple again.

I then put sunscreen over the top of my entire face but especially my nose because the benzac it very sensitive to UV rays.

Do the same at night apart from the sunscreen for obvious reasons.

I know that you're a guy and you won't have this regime but it's actually a really good habit to get into, and you can hide the bottles or whatever when your mates are around if you're embarressed. You can't hide a pimple. Now I have great skin because the benzac seriously does work. I've only been using it for not even a week (I recently had a breakout) and pretty much everything on my nose has cleared up.

Ok, so you'll only need a tiny amount, like half a pea sized and just rub it in everywhere over your nose. Leave it on; you don't rinse it off until you have a shower or whatever. I put mine on in the morning and at night.

Hope I helped :)

How to get rid of black pimple scars?

I realize that some scars on human skin can be either black or white. While having a fair skin it is not good to have a black pimple scar.

I have that problem. On my face, sometimes my pimples 'wounded' and leave out scars when they healed. What irate me the most is the black colour of the scar. It makes my face look dirty and unclean.

I have tried to wach my face more often but the problems seems to lie there forever.

Anyone have any idea how my skin can produce a fairer scar?

apply lemon juice


If you're looking for home remedies, you could try rubbing your scars every single day with fresh lemon juice and leave it on for 15 minutes. as you know, lemon is a natural bleach and in no time at all, your scars will be lightened if you keep up with this treatments 'til you reach your target.

try mederma . its a miracle worker ! =]

it works for any type of scars . i had ver bad acne last year && it left a bunch of scars . i used mederma && now i dont have any . a tube costs about 2o dollars .

solution: dermaline skin whitening cream..

this safe and potent formula can get rid of dark skin spots.

I have heard that bio oil is good for scars.

How do you get rid of pimple and scars fast?

School is starting in three weeks and i need to know how to get rid of pimples and pimple scars extremely fast without a dermatologist.

Acne scarring is perhaps worse than the acne itself.

My acne scars weren't horrible. They probably weren't even that noticeable after I put on my foundation. However, I certainly noticed them and that was all it took to bother ME.

If you've got acne scars, you may feel a bit helpless. But you don't have to because there are alternatives to getting rid of acne scars. And you CAN do something about it.

So what do you do about it? Well, there is totally a solution ... actually there are many.

These are NATURAL treatments.

Now, just because you hear the word "natural", I don't want you to shake your head and think you need to just buy some over the counter miracle cream. These remedies WORK! And you'll find that by consistently using them, your acne scars WILL fade just like mine did.

So without further ado, here are my favorite natural acne scar solutions:

Vitamin E

Don't underestimate the power of this healing lotion. You can get it at any drugstore in topical form. I have a HUGE bottle of it under my sink :) . Vitamin E naturally heals scars by moisterizing the damaged skin. Use it everyday to fade away acne scars.

Cocoa Butter

This one should be used carefully. If your acne is not already under control, cocoa butter does pose the threat of additional breakouts. However, if you're using the 3 Day Cure technique and your skin is finally clear, this is a powerful healing tool. Cocoa Butter will soften skin, lighten the scars and make them fade into nothing. I love this one. By the way, Cocoa Butter also works great on fading stretch marks.


Okay, this is totally gonna change your life! Honey works overtime on acne & acne scars. Yes, Honey! When I first learned about this natural remedy, I was pretty bewildered. The sound of it alone is confusing. Honey is a sticky, sugary substance. How can it possibly clear up skin?

Honey kills bacteria while simultaneously lessens the red look of irritated skin. The acidity in the honey evens out your skin tone, shrinks current pimples and will give your skin a softer feel. Listen, I know you may be skeptical of this solution. I was at first, then I tried it. This natural acne scar remedy works great.


Lemon will help clear up acne as well as fade acne scars. Plus your face will smell like a freshly shined harwood floor, so that's a plus ;)

The acidity in the juice will lighten the redness of the scars and balance your skin's pH levels to prevent future breakouts. Give it a shot.

You can find a lot of other natural acne treatments and acne scar treatments through the Source link below.


What kind of honey did you use? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20080721193353AAljMCv&kid=BZMrHVu7LEWbhG8.quFp&s=comm&date=2009-05-09+15%3A29%3A38&.crumb=

for pimples nothing, and i mean nothing will clear pimples like peroxide or tea tree oil! Peroxide works fast but can dry your face out, but, tea tree oil doesn't dry out the skin, you can put it in your facial soap or toner. Use it in the morning and before you go to bed and your skin will be clear in no time!!! Good Luck:)

Hi soccerdoll226,

I can help you with the first part getting rid of the pimples. Acne Free In 3 Days works amazingly. For more info go here http://offur.com/AcneFreeIn3Days .

For the removal of scars there are a few very good products, see the link below for more info.

Good Luck.

i don't think you can get rid of scars, but you can try to cover them up with a good foundation. also if you want to get rid of pimples just keep your face clean, but don't scrub at it and don't pop any zits.

I recommend using herbal cream like Zenmed Scar and Hyperpigmentation Treatment:


You can expect great results quickly and easily :-)

i have the same problem and some of the acne fading treatments are expensive so i heard that you put neosporin on it so i tried it and it worked AMAZING i used it once and i could tell that my skin looked more flawless with less spots and blotchiness i put it on when i go to bed and i use it a few times a week just depends on how bad yours are when youll start to see results but you will get them with this stuff! i love it! and i found some of these acne spot fading treatments and there pretty good ive tried some of them and i love them!












also what u need to do is whenever you sense/feel a zit comming on put ice on it for 10 minutes i do this whenever i get zits which is like all the time im like u! and it will really bring down the swelling so it wont be as red as big or as noticeable and what i use it noxema microbead cleanser and noxema anti blemish astrigent and sometimes clean and clear astrigent also if your washing your face more than twice a day that could be the reason because it will irritate your skin and make acne worse! so wash it in the morning and evening and moisturize alot and DONT PICK YOUR ZITS! that will make them worse and they will leave scars trust me i have all kinds of scars ive had them for years! also when i go to bed i dab some solid deoderant on the zit or toothpaste or some acne medication i like oxy medication or neutrogena and it really does the trick and if you do that every night it will dry up on about 2 days

and i use facemasks and i like to use honey and lemon juice the honey is anti bacterial so its good with acne and the lemon juice is the same and it will lighten the red places on your skin and tighten your pores and honey and yogurt do the same thing just it doesnt lighten the red places from acne and dont touch your face if you touch it alot that could be the problem and the stridex too also if you wear makeup make sure it says non comedogenic that means it wont clog pores or make you break out and if you wear concealer get one with acne medication in it

also you need to exfoliate twice a week NO MORE THAN THAT! nuetrogena is a little more expensive but its worth it because its really good i recommend EVERYTHING they have for acne! you def. get what your paying for and it will clear you acne up in no time!

How to make pimple scars heal faster?

I had a huge pimple on my cheek a couple of days ago,and when I drained it left a huge black spot my cheek. How do I get rid of it fast?

Use an epsom salt scrub and then dab with diluted vinegar. The acid in the vinegar helps the skin to renew faster and the epsom salt helps with healing and drawing out any deep infection. You can also take epsom salt from your local Walgreen's and mix with some water in a container, dab a cotton ball in it, and then put it on the pimple area. It is also good for drawing other pimples to a head.Stay out of the sun any time your skin is healing the sun can damage the new growth and cause discoloration even skin cancer.

Pineapple juice has a good amount of ascorbic acid which acts as a good bleach for the skin, so when applied often and washed after 10 or 15 minutes help a great deal in reducing acne,pimple scars. More such solutions at http://solutionsforpimples.blogspot.com/

cocoa butter or shea butter rub in the area for at least a week it really works because of the herbs in it

Use a skin healing cream such as Savlon, and apply before you go to bed. This should reduce the scar quickly, but make sure that you do not play with the scar during the healing process

Hope this helps

use an exfoliating scrub and go out in the sun. it will make your skin peel and the scars will go away. and the peeling? don't worry about that, just use lotion.

hope this helps =]

How can i get rid of a red swollen pimple?

I popped a pimple which is bad. It is on the left side of my face and is right above my lip. I have tried toothpaste, clearsil, rubbing alcohol and neosporin. I don't have bad skin but i really need to get rid of it. Its really painful please help!!!!!

Don't ever use toothpaste. It's for teeth not acne.

If it was for acne it would give directions on the back of the tube.

Just wash it with products for acne. (Acne face wash)

and an acne cream. Twice a day.

Try a hot compress to bring it to a head. If it's still sore it likely hadn't drained all the way with the puss.

Keep adding the compress -

X-acto knife or other sort of razorblade. If you cut deep enough, the pimple will be gone. VOILA!!! of course, you're going to now have to deal w/a gaping wound and possible scar, but hey, you asked how to get rid of the pimple.

Seriously...if toothpaste didnt work, I think you're out of luck...I had horrible acne when I was a teenager and found sometimes you have to just pop them and not do anything else, otherwise they'll just look worse

Ice down the pimple before bed, by morning it should be noticeably better. More such solutions at http://solutionsforpimples.blogspot.com/

If it is redder than usual and is not going away you might have an infection and should go to the dr for antibiotics.

toothpaste didnt help? leave it on for 20 minutes then rinse, at least it will bring down the swelling....also try oatmeal....that is good for getting the bas stuff out.....

Use Dr Tisners the mouth wash it is very strong and kill the germs

What Home Remedies should i try to remove Pimple Marks from my face?

i had lots of pimple with white stuff in it.. i used so much chemicals to remove it but it didn't work . after all my mom suggested me to use Multani Matti and it worked. now i only have rough skin and red pimple marks on my face. i still use multani matti twice a day. but is there any other remedies that can remove my pimple marks in short time???

Mix multani mutti with pure sandalwood paste and rose water .It is very effective .For more natural tips to have a clear skin ,check out


hi priya,

u would have got a lot of remedies thro' many people.i would like to advice(i know u would'nt like to take it.) u not to try too many messes.it would spoil ur skin further. just follow what ur mom says becoz she knows about u more than others.patient pays so be patient it will make u feel better in ur future.take care


You should not use multhani metti twice a day it will make ur skin to get dry and rough.. use it for weekly once..

Soak almond in milk and make it to paste.. apply it to your face.. your pimple marks will gone

mix the powder of dry pea and tender coconut water and apply it over the marsks.

Home Remedies for Pimples

a) Vitamins:

Pimples have been known to positively react to the addition of niacin (100 mg; three times per day), and vitamin A to a diet. 400 mg of vitamin E taken once per day also works wonders. You may also take 50mg of therapeutic zinc in tablet or capsule form (three times per day).

b) Fenugreek:

A useful paste can be created from the leaves of this vegetable, which is then applied to the face before you retire each night. At the start of the morning, the paste should be washed off using warm water. Pimples, especially blackheads are treated with this home remedy.

c) Orange Peel:

When orange peels are pounded and combined with water, an effective home treatment for pimples is created. Apply to affected areas and watch the results.

d) Lemon:

Apply lemon juice to pimples to reduce their size and intensity.

e) Garlic:

If you rub raw garlic on problem areas several times a day, you can clear up skin. You may also eat three seeds of raw garlic once daily for a month to see results. The garlic seeds purify the blood, which aids in keeping pimples at bay.

f) Coriander and Mint Juice:

A helpful herbal remedy for pimples includes the mixing of one teaspoon of coriander juice, combined with a pinch of turmeric powder. Every night, after thoroughly washing the face, apply the juice for an effective home remedy. Mint juice may also replace the coriander for this home treatment for pimples.

g) Hot Epsom Salts Bath:

It is believed that a hot Epsom salts bath taken two times per week will ease all cases of acne [2].

h) Cucumber:

Try applying grated cucumber over the face, neck, and eyes for the treatment of pimples and blackheads. This process should only take 15-20 minutes of your time.

Pimple Prevention:-

When you are looking for skin care measures that could prevent pimples, you might want to:

a) Practice Clean Skin Habits

b) Keep Your Hands Off

c) Read All Skin Care Labels

What is the difference between a blackhead and a pimple?

They are both clogged pores right? Then how are they different? Is a pimple the same thing but gets infected?

Yes, a pimple is a blackhead that gets infected. The lining of the pore gets weak and breaks. Lots of white blood cells flood the area to attack what they think is the foreign invader. The white blood cells is what forms the pus that you see with pimples.

A blackhead is a yellowish or blackish bump or plug on the skin. A blackhead is a type of acne vulgaris. It is caused by excess oils that have accumulated in the sebaceous gland's duct. The substance found in these bumps mostly consists of keratin and modified sebum (an oily secretion of the sebaceous gland), which darkens (resembling dirt) as it oxidizes. While A pimple is a result of a blockage of the skin's pore. It can be a pustule or papule.

Exactly, a pimple is infected. Also dont listen to Diety, blackheads ARE easier to get rid of. One simple push and their gone, you dont even have to break the skin. While pimples, you have to break the skin if you want to pop it (which you shouldnt because you'll probably just reinfect the area) will leave scars.

A pimple is a clogged pore. A blackhead is a pimple that has collected dirt on top of it, making it appear dark. It tends to be dried out compared to pimples, too.





A Black head is dirt thats trapped, a pimple is a white head which is just germs and other **** thats infected with puss and yuck stuff but yea....

A Black head is dirt thats trapped, a Pimple is a white head which is just germs, thats infected with puss.

A blackhead is just like a brown bump. A pimple is a red bump.

Yup, you pretty much just answered your own question.

blackheads are black and are in ur face while pimples can simply be bursted and they can be easier to take off.

What is this pimple on my inner elbow pit?

It looks like a pimple, I noticed it about 2 weeks ago, won't go away, can't pop it. Could it be a staph infection?

Could be from heat, try keeping the area really dry and clean.

It's kind of impossible to tell without looking at the thing itself, really, or without a very, very, /very/ detailed description (And it may be iffy even then). Your best bet is to go to your doctor or a dermatologist to have it checked out.

its not a pimple its more of a rash or egsama so put some cream on it or basetration and yul be fine

check 'bursitis' on google images

In your armpit? If your a girl...then maybe its razor burn from shaving? If your a guy...idk what to suggest...

How can I make a colorless pimple/bump on my forehead go away fast?

It started out small and I thought it was a pimple so I tried popping it, but it only made it get bigger. Its the same color as my skin, and its just a bump that hurts when I touch it. I have gotten a pimple like this on my chin before, and it went away. How can I make the bump go away AS FAST AS POSSIBLE?

Dont irritate it any further. I would recommend dabbing a cotton ball with any one of these solutions: tea tree oil or witch hazel. This is a really great way to speed up the healing process and dry up the pimple.

In the future, try to have a consistent acne regimen so that this is unlikely to happen again. Hope that helps!


I know acne is really annoying, especially if if comes out severe.

Try using some tips and tricks from this website:


It helped me alot, i'm sure you can find something for yourself too.


What Home Remedies should i try to remove Pimple Marks from my face?

i had lots of pimple with white stuff in it.. i used so much chemicals to remove it but it didn't work . after all my mom suggested me to use Multani Matti and it worked. now i only have rough skin and red pimple marks on my face. i still use multani matti twice a day. but is there any other remedies that can remove my pimple marks in short time???

Mariglod petals crushed with a little castor oil can bring the zit to its head quickly. To suppress it, sandalwood paste with holy basil leaf helps.

Juice of raw papaya is the best treatment for pimples. Apply fresh juice of raw papaya on pimples and get a good result.

Dilute some lemon juice with water and dab on pimples to kill germs, cool inflammation and improve blood circulation. Lemon is also good for removing scars. That means any pimples you popped in angst that left a scar will go away over time. Lemon contains acid so it's like having an acid peel thing going, but not. Your skin will be so clear you can set that makeup aside for special occasions.

Prick the white part of the pimple very lightly with the tip of your needle

Mix groundnut oil with an equal amtount of fresh lime juice and apply on face. leave for 10-15 minutes and wash. It may be applied daily to prevent formation of blackheads, acne and pimples.

Garlic has well known antibiotic properties making it an excellent treatment for pimples and acne. Peel and mash eight cloves of fresh garlic and apply to face avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave on for about 15 minutes and wash off with a warm cloth.

A mask of grated apple mixed with a little honey is an excellent remedy for pimples. Most facial masks can be applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes then washed off with warm water, followed by a cold rinse.

A few handy tips for those who suffer from pimple 'attacks'.

To avoid transferring bacteria and germs, clean your pillowcase, washcloths, towels, make-up brushes and applicators frequently.

The Pimple affected parts must be thoroughly cleaned and wiped with a soft towel.

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink lots of water.

Fuller's earth (multani mitti) pack is an effective means to control pimples.

How to reduce pimples - get rid of pimples:

Foods such as corn, safflower, sunflower, soybean and other oils rich in Essential Fatty Acids help to curb acne, pimples, blackheads.

Regular Yoga exercises will also improve skin and overall health.

Vitamin A and zinc are popular supplements that have scientific studies linking them to healthy skin and the cure of dermatology problems.

If you're prone to Acne or pimples is to avoid using heavy make-up â€" in fact, it is preferable to avoid make-up altogether. For an effective cure, stay as natural as possible.

Lemons, tomatoes and witch hazel are all proven to fight and keep pimples or acne at bay. Lemons and tomatoes are both fruits, yes fruits, with a second quality not known to all humankind. What you want to do is cut it open. Cutting it in fours goes a long way. Take each piece of lemon or tomato and rub it on your face. You may have a little something left on your face. Just leave it there. It's for your own good. They will make pimples disappear almost overnight. It they don't disappear they will be smaller the next time you check.

I hope this helps, best of luck & t.c..!!

1. Wash your face twice a day in warm salty water. This should leave your face oil-free without aggravating the acne.

2. Apply a paste of fresh fenugreek seeds (fenugreek) leaves over the face every night for 10-15 minutes and washed with warm water. This will prevent acne, pimples, blackheads, scars and wrinkles.

3. Extract juice of one lemon and mix with equal quantity of rose water. Apply this mixture on the face and let it stay for about half an hour. Wash the face with fresh water. About 15 days application helps cure acne, pimples and reduces blemishes and scars.

4. Another method is to massage the face with the skin of lemon before washing with lukewarm water.

5. Apply fresh mint juice over the face every night for the treatment of acne, pimple scars, insect stings, eczema, scabies, & other skin infections.

6. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. At least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables should be included in your diet. All acne home remedies should include a healthy diet.

7. Grind orange peel with some water to a paste and apply on affected parts.

8. Clean face with cotton wool dipped in rose water 2-3 times a day.

9. Mix 1 teaspoon lemon juice with a teaspoon of finely ground cinnamon powder and apply on affected areas frequently.

1)Herbs like tea tree oil and lavender oil, both antiseptics, can be applied neatly and this will reduce the pimples and spots very quickly.

2) Balanced diet plan must include:

- An all fruit diet comprising three meals a day for a week, followed by raw foods and sprouts three meals a day before resuming an all inclusive balanced meal can improve skin tremendously.

- It is advisable to avoid tea, coffee, pickles, condiments, fried foods, refined and processed foods, soft drinks, candies, ice cream etc.

To get rid of dark spots left over from pimles mix cinnamon powder with a little lemon juice and a few drops of honey. Apply only on pimples/ acne daily for at least one hour and wash with cold water. More such solutions at http://solutionsforpimples.blogspot.com/


face scrubs

hasna tha kya

Is there any drug to cure acne and pimples and post pimple marks?

I am suffering from facial acne and pimples, i also have a lot of post pimple marks and dark spots on my face. Is there any cream or drug which can make my skin clean and healthy ?

try proactive solutions. i heard a lot of good feedback from those who have used this :) then, when all your pimpies are gone, you can try to have diamond tone peeling :)


use crema concha nacar..

I got a big pimple on my side forhead and it hurts..

Directly rub potato slices all over the face and wash after 30 minutes , if done regularly helps to get rid of blemishes and pimple scar.The most basic form of pimple prevention is hygiene and preventive skin care. More such solutions at http://solutionsforpimples.blogspot.com/

How do I make homemade pimple paste?

I went to the dentist a couple of days ago, and I saw a magazine with the ingredients to make a pimple paste. Unfortunately, I forgot to write it down, and completly forgot about it. Does anyone know how to make a homemade pimple paste that will 100% work? Please help !


hope i helped!!


no need for a paste, you can use peroxide, works wonders, also use it as a mouthwash, peroxide works many wonders

http://acnemd.blogspot.com/2008/08/treatment-for-mild-or-moderate-acne.html it will help you alot

How can I reduce the redness of my pimple?

I've grown an embarassing red pimple in the most noticeable area on my face...my nose. I know it's not good to squeeze it, but what can I do to reduce the redness and make it less noticeable? I've tried covering it up with foundation, but the color is still visible. Any tips?

Eye drops. Like "Red out Visine".

toothpaste! when you go to sleep, put a dot of white toothpaste on it, and let it stay there while you sleep.. the pimple will be gone by morning... weird, i know, but its what i do to all mine!

p.s. HAS to be WHITE toothpaste... colored stuff wont work.

you can use visine, the best and easiest solution

some acne products also can reduce redness, CLINIQUE'S ACNE SOLUTION and MURAD ACNE COMPLEX have ingredients in their products that help reduce redness and swelling


I think it must be really hot ! their where u r living now u don't need any thing to put on simply drink water much as u can

use lotion that will do it

use fresh mint juice... and apply when ever u can....wash it off after 10 min...i hope this will help

mud mask will help visit our web site www.freewebs.com/cheapmudmask

Best product to use to get rid of pimple scars?

I have some pimple scars on my forehead that I really want to get rid of. What is the best product that I can get from a store (like Walgreens/Walmart/etc) that can speed up the process?

Avoid irritants. You may want to avoid oily or greasy cosmetics, sunscreens, hair-styling products or acne concealers. Use products labeled "water-based" or "noncomedogenic." For some people, the sun worsens acne. Additionally, some acne medications can make you more susceptible to the sun's rays. Check with your doctor to see if your medication is one of these, and if so, stay out of the sun as much as possible and anytime you have to be in the sun, use sunscreen that doesn't clog your pores.

To minimize redness, excessive dryness and other skin problems, start out with lower strength acne products. If needed, gradually increase the strength and frequency of your applications so that your skin can adjust to the treatments.

Acne products are just one step in your skin care regimen. For best control of acne:

Avoid oily cosmetics, sunscreens and hair products. Instead use products labeled "oil-free" or "noncomedogenic," which means they won't clog pores.

Wash problem areas twice daily with a nonmedicated soap or mild cleanser. But don't overdo it. Excessive washing and scrubbing can worsen acne.

Apply just enough acne product to cover the problem areas.

Use an oil-free, water-based moisturizer to help alleviate dry, peeling skin.

Don't pick or squeeze blemishes. Infection or scarring may result.

Treating acne with acne products takes time and patience. It may take four to six weeks of daily use of acne products to see results, and acne may look worse before it gets better. If your acne doesn't improve after two months of treatment, you may want to see your doctor or dermatologist for a prescription lotion or medication.

Bio oil is really good of getting ride of scars.you can get it at most chemists

Keep the skin moisturized and if you can afford it, laser treatment is really good at removing the scars.

How can I get rid of a huge pimple very fast?

I have a huge big red pimple on the middle of my forehead. It doesn't have a head, it hurts, and school's tomorrow!

I want it to be smaller, or disappear! I put toothpaste on it last night, it didn't help at all. I just had my period , started yesterday.

What can I do without buying something? I want it less noticeable. I will buy concealer later i think.

Salicylic Acid. Clean and Clear has one.

It's like Aspirin for your skin. It makes inflammation (redness, swolleness) go away. Great for making big pimples go away quickly.

How can i get rid of a hard pimple in my ear?

I have a pimple in my ear a little bit before the ear canal. i noticed it when i put my earphones in and it was in the way. It hard and has a hole in the middle kind of like a black head does. My boyfriend tried popping it after i put a warm washcloth on it and only a little bit of white milky stuff came out and the rest was blood. Now its throbbing like hell. What can i do to get rid of it and speed the healing process?

I actually got quite a few of these over the course of the last few years. It was a pore that got impacted with earwax. Sounds gross I know. But the only way to get it out is to squeeze it out. It will hurt at first and it might even come back after you squeeze it (because the pore will be so enlarged, there will be a little "pocket" where it was), but it will only get bigger the longer its in there. There isn't anything that will dissolve it. Suck it up and squeeze it out.

it may have something to do with the earphones stop wearing them and wait until it naturally goes away

How do I get rid of a BIG pimple on my nose?

Its a big pimple, and its been here for about a week. Ive only attempted to pop it once, didnt work... Ive tried toothpaste thing several times, I wash my face daily, drink lots of water, and frequently change my pillow cases... Still doesnt work, any help?

Aspirin contains Beta hydroxy acid which is a powerful defoliant ,so you can crush 1to 2 Aspirin tablets mix with a little water and apply on pimples for 15 minutes and wash. More such solutions at http://solutionsforpimples.blogspot.com/

You can use a sewing needle to poke a little hole and try to get some dirty blood out but make sure you clean the needle before you do it and throw it away afterwords. Yes, it will hurt a lot. Then put ice on it.

Also drink lots of green tea.

Whatever you do, do NOT pop it!!! If you do, you will get a large scar on your nose. Sure, you can rub alcohol and wash it a million times to prevent it from spreading, but you'll still end up with a scar! And scars take forever to heal.

I think you should put a pack of ice on your nose to reduce the swellings. And whenever your nose gets oily, gently wash it with face wash or just soap. When you are done, LIGHTLY pat your nose. Always keep hair away from your face. You are welcomed to use acne products or just rub alcohol on your nose. USUALLY, in a few days, it will go away.

Just don't touch it AT ALL...also, try to ignore it so that it will go away quicker...i had a similar experience.

haha, happened to me last year. its a condition called cystical acne and believe me you will get more and its terrible. i dont have acne lk a million little pimple type of acne i just get these big pimples lk once every 2 months. there terrible. well dont pop it casue i tried popping one and now theres a little hole and its terrible. so yea. what i did though ws go to a dermatologist and they inflaimed the pimple whicjh causes it to go down. if the color is still there like for me get a laser spot removing surgery. thats what i got done and it works so well.

A lot of people say don't pop it..but I do. I then hit it with rubbing alcohol, scream, then dab it dry. Then I hit it with peroxide, scream again, and it's usually gone by the next morning.

A piece of bread soaked in milk will help draw out the gunk...just bandage it on! Weird but sometimes helps!!

How do I get rid of the large pimple on my face?

The pimple has been there for at least a week and it is very hard you can see if you stretch the skin there is white stuff in it. Everytime I put anything on it the skin over and around the area becomes dry and red. If I just leave it alone will it finally go away or does the stuff inside it have to come out?

It is not a pimple. It is a boil, as you mentioned something white - which is pus. You will have to get a prescription of a course of antibiotics. Or operate, which may leave a scar. I think medication is the best, as I said a course in antibiotics. But get it prescribed by a doctor.

Whatever you do, DO NOT POP IT!!!!!

It will just cause more. That white stuff Inside is a bacteria infested pus. I would, however, try different kinds of face cleansers, just to see which ones work better.

Ive read where its better to leave them as your body will process it and it will go away by itself but if that is true it must take a while as i had waited and waited and popped them after they just seemed to not be going anywhere soon. I use a pin head so that it doesnt make a mess of my skin, but it has to be sterile, if you dont have clean needles (like ones in a sterile packet - you can get them from chemist) than boil one from home, and then sterilise it with metho, prick it just enough, and then give it a little squeeze with tissues on you fingers, (to stop nasty germs getting in and making it worse) oh and yes make sure youve washed your hands first!!!!!! and then put some antiseptic cream on it, not near your mouth though and voila it should do the trick. Ask your doctor what he says next time you see him, he'll give you the skinny on it all.

^In regards to the toothpaste trick....Please dont put anything on your beautiful face that stings or burns!!!! Thats really stupid, your skin is so sensitive, if you can feel it hurting its damaging your skin!!!!! There is no miracle substance in toothpaste, the theory behind that is that because of the foaming agents that are extremely drying that it dries out your skin and will make the pimples go away, and while yes oily skin can be pimple prone, so can dry skin!!!!

Try a belt sander with 80 grit paper.

squeeze that thing

Look in the yellow pages under pimple sucker.

i like to put tooth paste on them-im not sure it really works tho...i tried once nd it didnt take it off-but i did only have it on 4 like 2 minutes.it really stings a lot!!so keep it on 4 5 or 7 minutes or longer if needed.it hurts when u put it on but the next day ur skin feels great!!

If you don't want to pop it, use toothpaste. It's got to be regular toothpaste, not the gel kind. Seriously, it works. Or you could use rubbing alcohol. I use that and it works like a charm.

Anything you use to get rid of zits will dry your face out.

Squeezing it leaves scars - ask me I have hundreds :-)

Leaving it is mightily annoying.

You decide.

The best cure for me was to keep my face clean so that they didn't appear in the first place. It took me a while to discover the best face wash.

Best product to use to get rid of pimple scars?

I have some pimple scars on my forehead that I really want to get rid of. What is the best product that I can get from a store (like Walgreens/Walmart/etc) that can speed up the process?

people always want speed when it comes to acne, unfortunately there isnt any quick fix, despite what all these commercials tell you.

Im using differin, been using it for 2 months now and its starting to work, you have to be patient. My acne scars are going lighter by the week, not day.

Get rid of your acne within a few days, using this very simple guide:


What is the best way to reduce the size and redness of a large pimple?

It's been on my chin for about a week and won't get smaller or less red. I use Proactive and have been putting the refining mask on the pimple, but it's not working. Help!

Try a pasty mixture of Baking Soda and water. Put it on and leave it overnite. Do not put makeup over it as this will irritate the blemish.

oh my god i can believe someone recommended you razor it off! that is insane. try the baking soda & water mixture. What i have seen work is toothpaste, overnight. it dries it out. the white paste not any kind of gel tho.

first, no matter what, don't burst or pop it. use a hand towel and get it wet with water as hot as you can stand. apply the towel to the zit, and keep it there for as long as possible and then repeat. after doing this, then wash your face and apply the cream/ointment

I razor all my pimple's off. Just be easy with it but dont go slow cuzz it will hurt 3 times more. Take a good quality(not cheap) razor and just cut it like you shave your legs, go back and forth to fine it down like sandpaper on a primed car

try clearsil...proactive never worked for me

Proactive is junk, I used it and it helped a bit, but not a lot.

The doctor prescribed me something and it works like a charm :D



Or, you could just get a razor, and firmly razor it off.

Then let it slightly scab over, and then put a moisturizer on it and LOAD on the concealer. It wont be noticable. (If you have a huge even coming up, I reccomend doing that. But it may scar so if it's no big deal, just get your doctor to prescribe you to Chloro-ex.

This may sound really weird, but to take away the redness of a zit or pimple, I put 2 drops of Visine. I know, WEIRD, but it's always worked for me. And to reduce the size, well, I use Clinique Acne Solution spot treatment. It's about $12, but it lasts forever and it makes any zit or pimple disappear in 3 days! I hope this works for you as well as it worked for me!!!

hi Linds, for reduce the pimple first of all use one topic antibiotic exemple gentamicina , moreover for reduce the redness you could use antiflogistic such cortisone topic,

here in Italy this specific drug is gentalinbeta.

use a foundation to cover it up so u cant see it!

You can clean your skin with apple cider vinegar as an overnight home pimple remedy. More such solutions at http://solutionsforpimples.blogspot.com/

How to get rid of a stye or pimple on eye?

Im not positive if it is a pimple or a stye, or is they are the same thing them self. But i have one on the top of my eye above my eyelashes and its starting to bug me any ideas?

hold a very warm - hot compress (basically a washcloth soaked in warm to hot water) on the area for ten to fifteen minutes a few times a day - be careful that it isn't too hot! eye skin is very delicate- and take ibuprofen to ease inflammation and swelling. styes aren't fun. i hope you feel better.

edit: i would also suggest you disregard anyone telling you to put chemicals for regular face acne on your eye area, unless you fancy seriously damaging your eye.

have someone drive you to the ER for treatment.

poke it w/ needles.

I have lot of pimple and acne after 3 months changing to vegetarian food?

It is still lasting until now that is 4 months already. During this time, I still take vgetarian food (not meat). In the past, I sometimes had acnes but never pimple on forehead, chest, back. Now, not only acne but also pimple on those places. Someone said that my toxins are going out. But, I am worried how long this thing will be last. Do we have any treatment for it? Thanks.

What kind of vegetarian food are you eating?

If you are mainly eating processed foods (fake chicken, fake beef, fake lunch meat) this is probably why you are breaking out. Make more homemade foods, like dry beans, lentils, and brown rice. Also, eat more fruits and vegetables.

Visit this site for acne tips: http://juliakazan.blogspot.com/2008/07/good-article-on-how-to-get-acne-under.html

Every vegetarian I know does have skin problems. By switching to being a vegetarian, you are cutting out your body's #1 source of Vitamin B12 and are subjecting yourself to iron deficiency anemia. Being vegetarian does NOT mean you will be healthier.

its probally cause your now eating health so it may do that and if its doesnt help use proactive it works trust me.


how do u get rid of a pimple on sims 2???

Heres how... you and your brother need to go have fun because your sims were very stressed out. Also i think your dad dancing behind the chimney stressed you out more!

i dodnt get it too


What about a "pimple" down there changing color to being touched(when you see it its white, then when you touch it, it becomes more flesh(skin) looking....is that a actual pimple?...it doenst hurt when i touch it but if i sqeeze it it hurts a lil..it bled very litle but no puss or fluid..im actually goin to the doc tomororw but just for more info for myself.....

It could be an ingrown hair. Try not to stress. The doctor will know what to do.

Pimple ?

Hey i have a pimple just under my nose. It's now kind of got like a scab on it and i need it gone by saturday night! Help please! :D:D

It should be gone by Saturday night as long as you don't pick it. If it has scabbed up then chances are you've popped it and it's dead. You could try dabbing pure tea tree oil on it a few times a day just to help the healing along a bit. It should be gone regardless though!

Good luck!

If it's got a scab, then I'd say you've picked it already. So wait for the scab to fall off, and if its still there by Saturday then pick it off. To cover it up, use a green concealer. The green tones take away the redness!

apply an antibiotic ointment (something ending with ...micine i.e. acknemicine), rub it slowly while making sure to leave a thick layer of the ointment on it. it only should take a day time to vanish. remember: never remove the scalp or it might leave a scar for a while.

If you already popped it, (which you shouldnt have) then just leave the scab on it until it falls off.

If the scab is still there on saturday, pick it off, and put makeup over it (if you are a girl).

Drink loads of water, sleep early, and wash that spot a lot. Apply benzoyl peroxide of low percentage. if it doesn't go by then, APPLY FOUNDATION OR FACIAL POWDER TO HIDE IT.

Calamine lotion has the same drying effect like toothpaste so you can apply it overnight and wash the next day. More such solutions at http://solutionsforpimples.blogspot.com/

Try betadine. Or peroxide. Picking it will make it worse. If it is still there. try a light foundation or peach eye shadow on it


Okay so how do u get rid of a pimple fast? My friend is being a drama queen and saying if its not gone, she wont go to the jonas brothers concert, help?

You just cant pick at it! It will go away eventually! For now, put LOTS of makeup on. This is what I do and it apperars a lot better than before!

Bite and suck the pus out

tell her to by pro-active and use it everyday for blemish free skin

Toothpaste on it before bed and leave it on until morning. Do each night until gone. It dries up fast

OK the quickest way 2 get rid of it is to buy proactive nd wash ur face until its not oily pop the pimple and rub the treatments on it

What the skin needs is a product that clears pores and kills bacteria, thus preventing hair follicles from clogging and turning into pimples. This is what you should be looking for if you want to get rid of those ugly pimples.

Before trying any treatment, I suggest you read this informational source that listed the most effective acne treatments available:


Hope this helps.

Dear Friend, you can contact DR RAJAN T.D via email and he being an expert dermatologist based in MUMBAI will give you the best opinion. He has been my skin doctor since last 10 and half years and believe me he is an expert in his field. All the best

Email: rajan.td@gmail.com


how do you get rid of a pimple overnight?

What I do (as weird as this sounds) is put toothpaste on it, and go to sleep with it on. During the next day it starts to take affectl but it doesn't work for everyone.

Pimple! =(?

How do I reduce the redness from a pimple that i just popped?

I have school tmrw and the redness of the popped pimple is in the middle of my forehead. Please help me. I'm thinking of trying toothpaste but the last time i used it on my cheek, it got infected and it got more red.

oh no.. do not pick or squeeze those pimples..

it will leave scar on ur face.. i know you don't like that..

since you have popped it, you put concealor..

toothpaste is a no-no.. certain ingredients in toothpaste dry pimples up, but they do harm than good so don't reach for the tube just yet..

i use toothpaste and it works most of the time for me. just put a dap on before you go to bed and wipe it off in the morning.

the best thing you can do..is go to the sink..turn on the water to as hot as you can handle and just wash it a few times...use some soap. there is no fast way..you just gotta let it go down on its own...whatever you do don't use toothpaste!!! wash your forehead..thoroughly! don't worry..it's just a pimple..everyone gets em..and this won't be your last..next time..instead of your fingers..get a small sewing needle and heat up the pointy end..and lightly poke the pimple..then wash it with hot water and soap after...then you don't have to worry about the redness..never use your nails!! use the soft part of tops of your fingers if need be.

u could use blush or some makeup and cover it. or u can put some lotion on it to reduce the redness that might help

Pimple? =[?

I have this pimple, and its on my nose! Grrrr...its red, too! How can i reduce the redness of it.. or even get rid of it? PLease help =]]

Have you tried the toothpaste or honey method? If you don't have an acne medication/cleanser on hand (and if you do, I recommend a 2.5% benzoyl peroxide twice a day) just put a dab of toothpaste or honey (preferrably toothpaste) on your pimple. It should soon dry up. After that, I think you should just try to leave it, or follow with an acne medication and regular daily washing. Don't pick it! It will only stay and form an even redder scab.

omigosh i tried this thing mom told me to do AND IT WORKS

ok- use clear eyes red-eye eye drops and put it on your nose. a couple times maybe throughout the day or the first couple of hours. it opens up the capallaries just like it does in your eyes and it helps the redness to go away.

and then when i go to bed at night i keep a little apple cider vinegar by my bed and dab it on my nose when i go to bed, and whenever i wake up throughout the night *which sucks*

but like, you wake up to go to the bathroom, or see what time it is, yeah... just keep apple cider vinegar on it and it helps the pimple disappear FAST

ice takes away swelling and reddness. if you take really warm water with a wash cloth and you put that on the pimple it will open your pores and then after you left the wash cloth on for awhile wash your face with cleanser or face scrub. biore strips work well to but if its red and irratated i probably wouldnt use it...they have new ones with orange or mandrian tangerine scent it smells good lol hope i helped :)


I have this pimple, which has kinda turned into a scab, but it won't go away!!! It just gets bigger!! I have already been putting toothpaste on it for like a week, but it won't go away. Anything else I can put on it to make it go away?I heard after you put toothpaste on it, and leave it for about 30 minutes, and then wipe away the toothpaste with nail-polish remover, on a cotton ball, it will help it go away. Does that really work? Anything else that may work, I am open to suggestions for. Thanks

The acetone and alcohol in the nail polish remover is probably too harsh and making it worse.

Now that it's a scab, the tooth paste will not do anything for it. (Toothpaste is said to dry the pimple up). Try washing your face with a mild facial soup like the Basis bar and use an oil free moisturizer. If you only have the one pimple, just let it go and let it heal on its own. If you have to try to control acne regularly, and the Basis Bar and oil free moisturizer doesn't do the job completely, you may want to talk to a dermatologist. I suffered from acne my whole teenage and young adult life and nothing worked well. My dermatologist put me on Retin A Micro and it worked wonders. I wish knew this when I was a teen.

Try buying real pimple removers; while I have not tried your method, you have empirical evidence that this home remedy does not work well.

Try Mario Badescu's pimple cream or dab Clinique's clarifying lotion #3 on it. In the meantime, try this trick to cover it!


Last night I had a huge zit. Before I went to bed, I washed my face with Irish Spring soap and hot water, dried my face, wiped the zit with Clearisil Acne Pads, and then put the creme from Nature's Cure on it and the zit was practically gone this morning!! It worked great! You can get Nature's Cure from Walgreens. Or just buy something with 10% Benzyl Peroxide.

Anything with Sulfur in in should help to reduce swelling and redness and help dry out the pimple. OR

If it is scabbed, don't pick at it, instead put some neosporin or triple antibiotic ointment on it at night to kill the infected sebum and help heal more rapidly, and use a acne med during the day.

OVERWASHING can make acne worse, so don't fall into that trap. Product w/ salicylic acid and benzol peroxide claim to eliminate and prevent pimple and acne break-outs, but sulfur product seem to do better for me

Is there a homemade remedy to make a pimple dissapear?

I usually have really good skin. Right now I broke out with this HUMUNGOUS pimple on my nose. I want a easy home remedy that will clear it right up in no time. Does anybody have any suggestions?

i have tips if u want you can try them.1. Put toothpaste on your acne before going to bed. (Make sure it is paste not gel)put it on night and take it of with warm water in the morning.. It should reduce the swelling of acne noticeably.2. Dab egg whites on your acne and leave on for 20 minutes or overnight. It’s supposed to pull the infection out of the blemish.3. Wash acne infected areas twice a day with warm salt water. This reduces oils in the skin and helps to dry the acne up without further agitation.4. Use ice on acne before going to bed. This works best on pimples that have not yet formed a head. It reduces swelling and helps to prevent scarring.5. Wash and dab acne with cotton balls that have been soaked in vinegar. Let dry; do not wash off immediately.6. Place strawberries leaves over your acne and the alkalinity will help to reduce the swelling.

Acne remedies at home


I know that if you get one, you can hold a ice cube on it for as long as you can stand and it will help it clear. Only works on new ones, wont help if you have squeezed it.

yeah tooth paste it dries o the pimple.

the only thing is it burns

Toothpaste works wonders. It dries it out.

toothpaste and hot and cold rags. use the hot one to open ur pores then wipe them then use the cold one to close ur pores.

use lace for the face

it works!

look at


toothpaste works well. It can't be the gel kind though...make sure it's the paste kind. I ususally do it before I go to bed.

have you tried wiping a tomato cut of course on your face? this works but not quickly... (because of the acid in the tomato)

or put some toothpaste on the pimple before bedtime, it will make it go away faster... good luck

P.S. never scrub your face with a wash cloth. a dermatologist told me to use my hands and just water ( get your hands wet with water and rub your face)

lemon juice

tooth past

Oh yes!!!! Get an egg, break it, then get a piece (however big you need it) of that slimy film on the inside of the shell, don't wipe the slim off, put it on your pimple and leave it there until it's dry ... it'll pull all the puss out of the pimple and it'll go away quicker. If it feels funny while it's on there it's okay it's just pulling that stuff out! This really does work, this is what I do every time I get a pimple! Hope it works!

well your not gonna like it.....

apple cidar vinager

tooth paste dries it out but leaves you skin dry an ichy

How do I get rid of the giant pimple on my nose?

I have this giant pimple on my nose. I have picked at it a lot, so it is really red and big.

I don't just want to ice it and use concealer, I want it GONE, possibley in 1 night.

yep toothpaste is the was to go

pop it

Try this, take a Q-tip and then dip it into boiling water, then put the Q-tip right on the pimple, it burns a bit but after a while, it will get soft and just use the Q-tip and rub it. then if you wish, you can pop it after that. it should work, if not, toothpaste also works.

toothpaste works the best and the cheapest... It dries that sucker right out...

go on nuetrogenas site. they have this line of products called "rapid clear" buy the 'acne eliminating spot gel' ($7) it will heal it in about 2-3 days.

Try rubbing alcohol, it dries them pretty good. In the mean time just act like Bozo the Clown and smile.

Read some tips on this site on how to get rid of pimples and acne

cut it off then ull just have a cut on your face ,u can say u fell instead of lookin like a zit face

Dab some toothpaste on it before you go to bed. Don't pick at it! That only makes it worse!

What can i do about my painful swollen pimple?

i have a pimple on my forehead and it hurts so much

like when im washing my face or when i bend down

and there's pressure on it..how long will this last??

and what to do?

whatever u do.. dont touch it.. touching it just puts more junk on it. you have lots of bacteria and stuff on your fingers and hands and if you touch your forehead.. your just making it worse. so clean your hands with warm water and soap before you even touch it. but its best not to touch it all. just leave it alone and trying using clean n clear. i wouldnt use neutragena cus it causes your skin to get dry and irritated. but otherwise dont worry about it too much.. everyone gets them in their lives. it'll go away in a couple days jus be patient

it's probably under the skin, so the best thing to do (if you don't want scars or a scab) is to leave it alone for a few days and than try to squeeze it. If you squeeze it now, it's definitely possible to get rid of it, but it will bleed, scab, and scar.

If it becomes inflammed, than (even though it hurts) press down on it hard, and than cold water cloth it.

Put warm wet wash cloths on it several times a day, then some neosporin. Don't squeeze it as you could spread the infection and then it won't open. It should open on its own in a day or two if it is hurting and then it will get better.

good luck..

try neurogena acne soap(i think that's how you spell it) it will clear in 3-5 days. you need to wash your your face every morning and night. stay away from greasy foods. stay fit

pop it

leave it alone or take a pair of tweezers 2 it!!

puts ome ice on it

go to doctor .. or com to me

How can i make the redness of a pimple go away?

But how can i make the redness go away? The pimple itself is going down but the redness makes it stand out. Usually, make up wares off during the day and i don't have time to put more on during school. any advise? please help!

aspirin and visine-it takes the red out -mor etahn just the eyes

ice cube or put some make up on it

IF YOURE AT HOME PUT SOMETHING COLD ON IT.. like a cold spoon (put it in the freezer for a bit) itll make it less swollen/red.

you can also buy a stick of green cream concealer, which neutralizes redness. then over that you use your normal make up and it wont be noticeable anymore.

Aspirin mask: Crush 4 - 6 plain, uncoated aspirin tablets and mix it w/ a little water to make mask.

try suda cream

To make the REDNESS die down, purchase some eyedrops specifically for red eyes. Apply a little to the zit...it works great for me!! :)

i know it sounds weird, but my friend told me about putting a little bit of mint tooth paste on it before you go to sleep and the redness goes down. it has to be the thick white kind, not gel.

i don't know how it works but it always seems to for me.

How can i get rid of a small pimple in my nose?

I have a small pimple in my nose, barely noticable. but it bothers me. :[ its in the edge of my nostril, [ ew ! ] how can i get rid of it? fast?

it will go away in a few days.. or you can put a warm cloth on it..

The only really fast way to get rid of it is to pop it. But, if you don't want to just put a little acne cream on it until it goes away.

just dont do anything it will go away soon. OR PROACTIVEEEEEEE

What is this weird pimple on my dog with brown pus?

My dog had some sort of pimple on her back. When I squeezed it, a dark brown pus came out. It popped out the way pimples do. It seemed a lot of it came out, I'd say three times as much as what comes out of my average zit. What could this substance be?

(I don't usually try to pop zits on my dogs)

It may have been an abscess, and you popped out some puss and old blood. Maybe put some peroxide on it and see what happens in the next day or 2. It may be nothing, but if it poofs up again, see your doc because doggy may need an antibiotic if it is infected.

omy gosh, this JUST happened to my dog last night... did you ever find out what it was? Thanks :) http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20071003211030AAaTMfW&kid=Qq5dJG3_DDXbnI0dBzji&s=comm&date=2008-02-27+18%3A34%3A29&.crumb=

Are you sure it wasn't a tick? If you're sure it wasn't, it could have been from a spider bite.

I saw something like that (in a TOTALLY different area of the dog) on dirty jobs, and the lady working with the host said that it can actually kill your dog. All she did was pop it, but I would call my vet to make sure.

Please take the dog to a vet- because anyone knows that PUS means there is an infection! If you would like to try something first-Please remember any creatures body will probably do well with NEOSPORIN or BACITRACIN, and try putting peroxide first to clean the skin, and sore! If it is painful for the dog, then you really need a vetenary, because it could be a bite, or ticks, or ring worm, or something quite serious! Don't wait please_You wouldn't want to have to wait if it was you! My Best To You!

see a vet?

How can i get rid of a pimple on my tounge?

Hi! I have a pimple on my tounge,and it REALLY hurts.I asked my brother (whos OBVIOUSLY not a doctor,and he said to put on a piece of ice on it,like hold one it for a while.It hurts to eat and what can i do?

I'm thinking that it is a kankersore,

and they have medicine for that.

It's not a pimple...it's an inflamed taste bud...probably from eating something too salty or acidic. It'll go away on its own. I get those if I eat too many salt and vinegar potato chips, or too much orange juice.

I have never in my life heard of a pimple on the tongue. Maybe you need to have your mom take a look at this one.

are you sure its a pimple.. it may just be an infected tastebud...you can either bite it off or just let it do its thing.

i have never heard of a pimple on your tongue but...it is probably an infected tastebudd. I get them a lot just wait for it to go away.

Its most likely a spit gland that has grown over with skin, if its anyhting like the ones I get you can just release the fluid and forget about it.


go to the free health clinic

How can I get rid of discoloration on my skin after having a pimple?

I had this hudge pimple on my cheek but instead of poping it I just washed my face all day with my face wash now I have this dark dry scar instead. Why did this happen?

Get Rid Of Acne Scars And Marks Fast Using 3 Things

By: Ericka Jarvis

There are several quick and easy methods available to get rid of acne scars and discoloration. Obtaining these methods involve no more than picking up products at your local drug store or ordering them online. For the more serious scars, you may have to engage in a dermatological procedure. However, you may want to try these methods first to see how much improvement is made. The good news is that there are successful methods of getting rid of acne scarring no matter how bad your condition is.

Methods To Correct Acne Discoloration

If you don't have raised or depressed scars, and only have red spots and discoloration, over the counter topical treatments should be all that you need. There are several over the counter remedies that target acne discoloration and red spots.

The most popular over the counter remedies that can be used to get rid of discoloration are skin bleaching products. Hydroquinone is the bleaching agent in skin bleaching products. Hydroquinone works by disrupting the synthesis of melanin hyperpigmentation. The FDA allows a maximum of 2% hydroquinone for non-prescription (over the counter) sales. If you want to try a higher (4%) concentration of hydroquinone, you must get it from a dermatologist. You should avoid using hydroquinone bleaching products during the day because exposure of it to sunlight can turn it a shade of brown. Use it at night before you go to bed. Nonprescription bleaching products with hydroquinone are MD Forte Skin Bleaching Gel and Peter Thomas Roth Potent Skin Lightening Gel Complex. Both can be found online. If you find that you are sensitive or allergic to hydroquinone, there are skin lightening alternatives. They can all be found online as well. Here are some of them:

ScarGuard Lightener-Contains Hydrocortisone 0.5%- Anti-Pruritic. Silicone, vitamin E, specially-formulated flexible collodion.

Lightening Gel-Contains kojic acid, azeleic acid, lactic, glycolic acid polymers, ascorbic acid and betacarotene.

SkinCeuticals Phyto+-Contains kojic acid, arbutin glycoside, cucumber, thyme and hyaluronic acid.

DERMAdoctor Immaculate Correction Revitalizing Skin Tone Equalizer-Contains mitracarpus scaber extract, azeleic acid, bearberry extract, licorice extract & beta carotene.

SkinCeuticals Phyto Corrective Gel-Contains botanical glycosides, bearberry extract, sodium hyaluronate, cucumber and thyme extract.

Cellex-C Fade Away Gel for Sun and Age Spots-Contains a natural blend of ascorbic acid, tyrosine, green tea, zinc sulfate, sodium hyaluronate, cucumber and thyme extract.

You may also try the new Neutrogena Advanced Solutions Acne Mark Fading Peel. You can get this at your local drugstore, kmart, target, or walmart. It contains 2 percent Salicylic Acid and should be used up to three times a week to reduce the appearance of post-acne marks with regular use.

Methods For Acne Scar Removal

There are two excellent, powerful, non-prescription acne scar correction products. Scarguard Scarcare Treatment was created by a plastic surgeon and is the number one product used by plastic surgeons for scars. Scarguard Scarcare Treatment helps flatten existing raised scars. You can buy Scarguard Scarcare Treatment online. Another product to correct acne scars is Mederma is a gel that is recommended by doctors and pharmacists to improve the color, texture, and overall appearance of acne scars. You can buy Mederma at CVS, Brooks, Eckerds, RiteAid, Target, Walgreens, and Walmart.

Microdermabrasion Home Kits

Microdermabrasion is also good for getting rid of acne marks and discoloration. Microdermabrasion uses a mechanical tool to "sand" the skin which results in a layer of skin being removed and hence a smoother skin surface. You can now perform microdermabrasion on yourself at home. There are several microdermabrasion kits that you can get at your local drugstore or stores like Target or Walmart. A few of the microdermabrasion kits are Oil of Olay's Regenerist Dermabrasion home facial with lactic acid, L'Oreal Derma-Expertise ReFinish Micro-Dermabrasion Kit, and RoC Renewex MicroDermabrasion Expert System.

You may want to combine 3 products to acheive the best results. A combination of a home microdermabrasion, one of the skin bleaching products, and either Scarguard Scarcare Treatment or Mederma will provide optimal results.

If non-prescription products don't suffice in diminishing your acne scars, you might have to take a more drastic measure and opt for a dermatological treatment. There are several dermatological treatments available for acne scars, and they are very effective.

If you are still suffering from acne and would like to have permanently clear skin within 3 days by getting to the root cause of acne, there is a method that you can use. Find out more information on this at www.acnefreeindays.com.

How do you get rid of a pimple on your lips?

I have a big, painful, red pimple (not a cold sore) on my upper lip and I want to know how to get rid of it before school on Wednesday.

If you know of anyway to get rid of it, that would great.

Thank you all!

Take plain crest toothpaste (the white kind) and dab a little on the spot. I mean ONLY that spot. Rub it in gently. Leave it on for about 30 minutes. Wash it with warm water and MILD soap (like baby soap) and then pat dry. Don't rub it... just pat it.

Do this a couple times a day and it should go away. It has never failed me yet.

On the lip? hmm interesting..but dont apply any cream or pro active shitt, cuz it's dangerous on the lip area. Try using some baby power and apply it on the pimple. Im not sure?

good luck

and relax, its just a pimple not the end of the world..

uhm-- it may be hard but DONT mess with it or bite on it or anything like that lol

just clean your face AT LEAST at night so your face gets clean after a busy day : ) but try to keep your hands off of it, because hands are insanely dirty lol.

Sorry I couldnt help more! good luck hon!

It will go away when it is ready. Don't worry about it. You can't change it and being stressed about it will just give you a headache.


try popping it

or putting zit cream on it

What is the best pimple treatment product?

Pimple treatment product and NOT acne treatment since I only have a couple of pimples and not acne. Any suggestions?

the finger!!!! Tee hee hee

more information: http://squidoo.com/pimple http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20061213105645AAjXyvp&kid=FpUuXDS5BTYwVgPWZOVby.GIRVG_0KW.1svl7O2RxeeLOYrYmYUY&s=comm&date=2006-12-22+07%3A52%3A01&.crumb=

I put toothpaste on mine at night.

Use a on the spot pimple treatment or to keep them gone buy Proactive it works miracles!!!

zinc-oxide ointment. put it on at night and watch them shrink or sometimes even vanish by morning. just dont rub your face and then your eyes as this stuff can burn them.

Two fingers.

clearsil or fair nad lovely,menz active etc.

My daughter and I both use ZapZit. It's fantastic!!

It comes in blue and orange package and costs

around $3 a tube. We purchase it at Walmart and

I am sure other discount stores probably carry it

as well. Fast results or at least with us.

Tooth Paste of course!

Dalacin T Solution,it dries up the pimple overnight.be sure to wash your face with a neutrogena soap prior.

What is the best threatmen for infected pimple just below the nose?

Hi, I have this pimple just below of my nose. It started yesterday and now it is swollen down to my jaw.

Any other similar case? what is the treatment provided by the doctor? which is better, hot or cold compress. The pain is killing me. Any best position in sleeping? Thanks in advance.

Why don't you go and see your Doctor, which must be better than anything we can suggest? Run!

use something with Salicylic acid in it. This will help break down and dry out the pimple.

Do not use a compress, it will do nothing.

A doctor may lance it, which means giving you an anesthetic and piercing it and draining it of puss/fluid etc. Or he may give you stronger antibiotics, which ever he feels most appropriate.

Sleep on you back.

How do you get rid of the dark red surrounding a popped pimple?

I popped my pimple this morning, and there is dark red surrounding it. As if there is blood underneath my skin.

Is there anyway to make it go away? Or at least visibly reduce the dark red?


A dab of visine on the pimple should reduce the redness.

ice right now and clean and clear acne spot treatment for the future.

Uhm, I don't think you should pop your pimples (even though it gets really annoying and you have the urge to) because it makes the pimple look worse ! Goodluck ! [:

How long does i take for a cut caused by popping a pimple to heal?

I popped a pimple on my chin about three days ago, it turned into a gigantic gash and i cant stop picking it. How long does it take to heal it? And is there i way i can heal it faster?

It took mine about a week... after I stopped picking it! It still looks like crap. I should have left it alone, it would probably look better than it does now!

leave it alone!! You need sulfer soap, and you and get it at most spanish stores down here in florida. No I am not spanish, but the soap works. another way is proactive solutions, it works, sometimes too good though, I only have to use it twice a week. good luck and I hope you already don't have an infection.

You should stop bugging it, my friend took a knife and cut some of his zits were it left cuts and he kept touching them and now he has scars on his face.

So if you keep that up it will turn out to be a scar.

Stop picking it and it'll heal. &&

Apply some neosporin so

it won't get infected or cause a


It won't heal if you don't stop picking it, and it could scar.

What is the difference between a zit and a pimple?

what is the difference between a zit and a pimple?

I know that alot of people say that pimples are like "white heads" but cant zits be like "white heads" also? so please tell what is the difference?

acne- teenage version = zit

acne- adult version = pimple, whiteheads and blackheads...

long version short is acne is a bacteria growing in or on the skin, sometimes it takes medication to cure it and sometimes it goes away on its own...


same this, ms. sxi

technically they are the same thing but....

when i say zit i mean like a small hard thing. doesn't look like a whitehead or a blackhead

and when i say pimple i mean a gushy big thing. and looks more like a whitehead

... and in the UK we call them "spots". It's all exactly the same thing. They are generally caused by acne, hormones or eating too much fatty food or chocolate ... no wonder I have so many (the last reason!).

They are the same thing, zit is just slang for pimple.

Hmm good question ... I guess I usually call the white heads zits, then the big round red ones that never get a head pimples and blackheads are just blackheads. But that is just me ... wish I could call them the past lol :)

How come when you pop a pimple it looks like it got bigger?

Also how long does it usually take for a pimple to be gone if you haven't touched it?

Seems like forever, doesn't it...gets bigger? that is one of those mysteries of life...

Do you use a facial scub? Sometimes that helps to keep your skin nice...you could get a drawing salve like epsal ointment from the pharmacy and try putting that on the pimple (have never tried it)..it is over the counter.

dont pop ur pimples thats a NO!NO! the dermatologist wil tell u not too pop them until u see the head colored kinda yellowish..when u pop them u are spreading the infection too another spot have u ever noticed when u do that soon after another one close by comes up? thats why because u spread toxicins...good luck

Please don't pop it if u are tempted. It will probably take five days

When you pop it, it irritates your skin and makes it swollen. It's actually bad to pop them, but I know, I do it too! You damage skin over time popping them and enlarge the pores too. If you let them alone it takes about a week to go away.

because you hurt it, it will become red red red, it will look more uglier, so try not to touch your pimple. as for my personal experience i dont apply any cream or powder. i just keep it clean by washing my face just before going to bed, not hot or warm water, preferable cold water, tap one, not from the fridge. good luck...

You should NEVER pop your pimples. Its not good for your skin. It doesn't get rid of the pimple it just makes it redder and last longer. It could also leave little red spolches that are hard to get rid of.

thats because ur not supposed to pop it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it'll probably take 5 days. And also buy Proactive solution! People with pimples (planets on their faces) can get them off in only ONE DAY!! awsome huh? well yeah just dont pop them!!

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Acne-pimple cure/

Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/face packs


Does putting toothpaste on a pimple and leaving in on overnight help the pimple go down?

Does putting toothpaste on a pimple and leaving in on overnight help the pimple go down? It use to work for my brother but it never works for me.

It's always worked for me. It might depend on what kind of toothpaste you use. Another thing that works well is to dab eggwhite on it. It tightens up as it dries overnight.

Yes, I used that when I was younger but find that peroxide dabbed on with a cotton ball and then a crushed aspirin paste put on a bandaide then on pimple help reduce the inflammation works better

Hey Jessica,

Read the recommended products at this blog.


The products he recommends are guaranteed to cure your acne or your money back.

Pretty crazy

Hope that helps!


Yup it's supposed to, I think it's supposed to dry up the pimple and keep it from getting bigger. DON'T POP IT!!, whatever you do DON'T POP IT!! Lol. Try buying a ceptaphil product, they're supposed to work like that, and not damage the skin.

It only works if it is a large, red pimple. If you use this method, make sure it is the white paste, not the colored gel toothpaste. be careful to only put the toothpaste on the pimple and not on the skin around it or it will irritate the skin around the pimple.

What do you do with large pimple deep under skin?

I have a cyst-like pimple on my chin and it is under my skin. Its big and it feels gross. Its too deep in my skin to try to pop it. What can I do to get rid of it?

First of all.. Do NOT pop it.

It will lead to scarring and it may spread.

Just leave it alone and try to go to a doctor/dermatologist.

And keep your skin clean.

I learned this the hard way :/

Don't pop it. You could push anything in it further into the pore and make it worse. Try putting an ice pack on it to reduce swelling, take aspirin and leave it alone. If you can afford it go to the dermatologist and he can give you a steroid shot that will get rid of it in 24 to 48 hours. Otherwise you could be stuck with it for about a week or so.

go to doctor

but if you must pop it.

dont squeeze it, lance it with a clean sharp object

วันศุกร์ที่ 15 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How can I get rid of pimple scars in my face?

I had a big pimple last month and it made a dark scar on my face. How can I get rid of it?

Okay, this stuff really works and it's not expensive. It's called 'Nadinola' and you can buy it at CVS, or any drug store. It has Hydroquinone which lightens pimple scars, freckles, sun spots, etc. Any scar product with that it in works. It fades marks away.

Stop eating things that contain oil and fat. Slice cucumbers and put them on ur face, often.

Hope this helps.


Oh didn't know the pimple was on your nose... But it's ok anyway try.

you can buy a microdermabrasion set for home use, same quality as those diamond peels, but for a much lower price, i bought my set from beauticontrol, try this link really works

Try getting a microdermabrasion. Those work wonders on your skin!

buy a medicine? usually.. the scar won't get away unless you take good care of ur skin.

Apply vitamin E (capsule) on your face about once a day and take 16000 IU of Vitamin A, 400 IU of Vitamin E, and a Vitamin B-Complex.

Did you pick at it? That only makes it worse.

I would recommend any product that has hydroquinone in it. or try applying Cocoa Butter or Shea Butter lotion. I hope that will help.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 14 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to prevent or stop a pimple?

You know how you have a spot on your face where its kind of red and stiff, and you know a pimple will emerge in a matter of hours. How do you stop it?

Don't touch it or poke at it or squeeze it.

Here's something we have been doing for years....and it works. Get a piece of white bread, and put boiling water on it, let it cool a bit and while still hot (but not hot enough to burn your skin) place it over the pimple-to-be spot. The yeast in the bread helps pull out the dirt that is causing the pimple to form. Leave it on there for as long as you can. When it cools completely, get another piece of bread and repeat 2 or 3 times. Seriously, it works for us.

What can I do about the black mark left after a recent pimple?

I have to facilitate for a group tomorrow. I have a big black mark left over after a very recent pimple. What can I do? I do not wear make-up.

Long term treatment the hydroquinone as suggested by one answer is a good deal. Please wear sunscreen, as the mark can re-darken with sun exposure. Use a lil cream on a q-tip as you are trying spot lightening and not ur whole face.

Spots occur after a pimple because the remaining blood has oxidized. This can be avoided by, using a cotton and the pads of ur fingers applying slight pressure to squeeze the pimple. If it is particulary stubborn a hot compress should open the pores and you will be able to drain it. After squeezing the pimple, cleanse throughly , finish with a toner and apply a low benzol peroxide acne treatment cream. Under makeup use a gel cream this will facialte the healing of the pimple.

please try not to use fingernails to squeeze pimples, as this increases the likehood of a black mark.

If u have never had a peel as suggested, do a spot test , first. On women of color there is the possibility of keloids. raised scars that result from a burn, chemical or heat, sun exposure and scarring. Make sure you will not keliod.

I get those too, although they're more brown than anything. The only thing you can do will take 6 to 12 weeks --put a hydroquinone-based cream on it. I usually just get Ambi or Dr. Fred Summit (stronger than Ambi.) You'll probably just have to cover it with a concealer for tomorrow though.

Hi Tamara,

I have that problem too. Since u have ur programme tmrw its wise to use a liquid foundation followed by a concealer to cover-up e marks.

When u have ample time u can use papaya facial mask to lighten the dark marks.

Since the marks are scars and you are trying to cover them up before tomorrow makeup is probably your only route to go unless you want it is show! Try something called "Dream Matte" by Maybelline, it runs for about 9 dollars and is a whipped foundation that will target the spot. If you are unable to get this, try some type of foundation that is creamy in texture, a powder won't be strong enough to camouflage the area. When your group meeting is over, apply facial lotions and use a scrub to the area daily, eventually the mark will fade away. Also, getting some sun is good for the skin and seems to help reduce the look of scars. Good luck !

get a chemical peel it takes the the black marks left by ance.

วันพุธที่ 13 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How can you stop a pimple from starting to appear on your face?

i just got rid of a pimple and then another one is starting to appear in the same spot. im afraid that if i touch it too much it will leave a scar. how can i make it go away?

I used to get pimples & boils on my face regularly. Ever since approximately 1 year ago, when I started to eat a diet of atleast 95% raw foods, I get pimples that last only about 4-5 hours! They dissapear quickly, leaving no scars, & I don't use those nasty, toxic soaps that are on the market. I do not recommend soaps or other unnatural treatments because they are a waste of money and your skin will absorb the toxins in them and can cause the skin to age faster and get more damaged. Pimles are the way your body cleans itself out. The best way to help the body is to eat raw foods that cleanse it and restore it, making you look and feel younger.

oxy daily face cleaner... BUT ONLY IF YOUR REALLY DESPARATE OR CAN TAKE PAIN.... it stings pretty bad

wash your face every night. never sleep with makeup on, this will cause breakouts and possibly even cysts. after washing your face, apply to the pimple an acne cream, or, a homeade remedy, crest toothpaste. in the morning, wipe off with a cloth and water. the pimple should be gone in a couple days if you repeat the process. and also- try to keep the touching of your face to a minimum, or else it will cause more pimples. never try to pop a pimple either, it will leave a scar or mark and if not cleaned properly after popping, it will only create more pimples in the surrounding area.

Tap your heels together and say there's no place like home3 times, buy some pimple cream.

Dont eat greasy foods and wash your self. junk food in all is bad for you.

You need to get some acne solution. Like clearsil or Oxy. This are some good solution. I am currently using clearsil.

What is the best way to make the redness in a pimple go down?

I know this might sound gross,but i have this one pimple and it's driving me crazy! It's not puffy but it's really red.Does anyone have some ways or old remidies to help?Also, i have a dance coming up so i need it to go down by then.

pro-actives spot treatment [ there face mask ]

visine works on red pimples too. then apply a cold compress.

Hey. I know what thats like. lol. Umm, what I do is I put visine on it and it really works well! Just get Visine redness relief and put some on it and wait for a while. You may want to put more on every couple minutes and make sure you wash it off before you go into the sun because you are no supposed to get in the sun with it on you.

Unfortunately, only time can rid a pimple of its redness. Avoid touching it as that can add to the inflammation. Use a good concealor and foundation and keep them handy while at the dance.

Have fun at the dance!

produce water, l mean sweat

toothwhite past.or witch hazell.or boiling water from the kettle tab itn with kitchen roll or cotton bud

How can you prevent a pimple about to come out from being really bad?

I have a pimple about to emerge on the soft part of the skin on my face under my eye and it will leave a bad scar if I don't treat it. What is the best way to handle this situation?

Eliminate milk and dairy products, red meat and sugar from ur diet and all acne goes away for ever

u cannot prevent it. u can use some kind of spot cream to help it come out faster. a warm damp face cloth on it can also help it come out.

u can hide it the next morning with some light foundation. even if ur a guy if u dont use too much u cant notice it

Hi friend,

Getting rid of pimples is very difficult. Who will know more than me, about this grim truth. But fortunately about 3 weeks back when I was surfing through the net, I came across a website:


wherein some very easy tips were mentioned I just followed them for atleast 2 weeks and you won't believe it just worked wonders for me, Almost 60% of my pimple are gone, without even spending anything.

May god bless you!!!

The best pimple spot treatment that is inexpensive and not proactiv?

Ugh, I get these pimples every once and a while and they DON'T GO AWAY! Please help me find the most inexpensive, easy to find pimple ZAPPER that works overnight that I don't have to order!

acne zone.

i saw improvments the first day.

Neutrogena On the Spot Acne Treatment. It's cheap, and if you put it on a pimple at night it will be greatly reduced if not gone in the morning.

Desert Essence Blemish Stick - available @ Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, etc.

Maybe Zeno.

Only if you got BUCK.

I mean seriously.

150$ for the system,

25$ for the refills.

Green tea! :) Take the tea bag after it's still warm from the cup but not hot and place it over the area. You will love it after you get used to the awkwardness of the bag on your face. Water helps too right before bed.

Well I was also thinking proactive. Mayb just let it slide unless u have a lot then find something.

help pimple. Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by DaPino