วันศุกร์ที่ 17 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

How can I get rid of a pimple in less then 24 hrs without taking a knife to my face?

lol, I'm going somewhere important tomorrow and I have a HUGE pimple in the middl eof my face. Its really noticable. Is there anything I can use at home that most people would have? I've tried toothpaste but I havn't had any luck. PLease help.

toothpaste and eye drops....or alchol...or vinigar

don't worry about it. In the long run it doesn't really matter, besides I wouldn't no. Sorry.

Toothpaste and neosporin.....pop it, put the toothpaste on for about 3 hours then wash it off and put neosporin on it....this helps with the redness

You can take a very HOTTT(AS HOT AS YOU CAN STAND IT) towel and put on it, and it will come to a head then it will bust on its own and there would be no mark on your face. GOOD LUCK I HOPE IT WORK FOR YOU

Try putting very hot water on a wash cloth place it on your face and keep it there until it is cold. Then wash your face and use an astringent on your face.

take an asprin pill and cruch it and add it with water then it should turn into a paste then u put it on for not too long it should make it go down and make the dryness and the redness go away

see a specialist doctor and get some anto bacterial cream and put ithat on , and supplement it with rose water, however under no circumstances ever cut it as it only deepens the spot.

Tooth paste works

Mix a little toothpaste (the plain white paste kind, not whitening or gel or anything else) with some lemon juice, dab it on, and wear it to bed.

have you tried make up or vanishing cream try a mud mask dont poke at it it will make it bigger try taking a shower that might help

Just cover it up. Blend it in...

sqeeze it until it leaks clean then bleeds a little then use some toothpaste after you clean with peroxide or alchohaul ( i do it all the time, and toothpaste does work because it dries up liquid inside the pimple) you have to use the right kind of t.p

LOL no there really isnt anything to get rid of it....just use concealer you might want to try to change your make up brand

Don;t pop it whatever ya do, use a dab of toothpaste. That should do the trick!

pop it tonight and wash your face with some face cleaner that doesn't exfoliate put a dab of some acne medication like persa gel on it and go to bed in the morning it should be ok to put a little concealer on and then apply makeup as normal

be careful cause too much toothpaste it makes it 50 times worse. first pop it right b4 u go to bed and then put any type of acne medication on it..if u dont have that then use a tiny bit of toothpaste and then make sure to get at least 8 hrs of sleep because skin heals itself while ur sleeping.

Try putting Zincofax o it..you know baby butt cream it will bring it down to nothing in no time

You can try all the toothpaste or cream remedies listed in these answers but do not--do not pop it. You'll be left with a scar that will look worse. Use the creams and let the zit work itself out naturally. it should become a white or blackhead then you can scrub it out but do not pop it.

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help pimple. Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by DaPino