วันศุกร์ที่ 17 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

How do i get rid of a pimple underneath a thick layer of skin?

I have this pimple right under my eyebrow but its under too much skin. it wasn't under my skin at first but it healed over and now its like that. it's impossible to pop since it's so covered up and im pretty sure ointments cant reach it. Now its just a little lump there. if i leave it alone it just stays there. I've had it for a couple months already so unless i do something its going to be there forever.

yhea, accualy ointments, face washes, creams, toners/astringents can reach it, try one of these Clean And Clear products: http://www.cleanandclear.com/productRoutineDetail.do?productid=69&productpos=0

this is what I use, and it works like a charm, doesn't over oil your skin, or over dry,or flake, check it out.

Go to your Dermatologist they will inject a cortisone shot to kill the bacteria.

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help pimple. Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by DaPino