วันจันทร์ที่ 20 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

What can I do to get rid of a pimple?

I have a pimple on my nose and it's huge. I can't pop it because it is just a bump and it won't work. I want it gone before 5 days because I am busy that day. Do you know what can do/put on it that will make it go away soon?

YOu should never pick/pop pimples......it just makes them go deeper and stay longer....might look like they left but they will just come back. Try MD Forte ....you can buy it on line www.dermusskincare.com Otherwise I've heard toothpaste overnight works........only works sometimes for me..........proactive doesn't work unless you have very little acne .....

do not touch it a lot. It'll get irritated and probably stay red longer. A home rememdy is that you can mix salt and a drop or two of water to make "salt slush" in your palm or a small cup, and use a Q-tip to dab it onto the area. The salf eats away the bacteria. Do that as much as you can, while your just sitting at home.

if you want to cover it up with makeup, coverup in your complexion wont help that much. If you can, find a GREEN coverup, put that on your pimple [because on the color wheel, green reduces red], and then put your regular coverup on top of the green. it will not be noticable at all.

Whatever you do, don't mess with it or try to pop it before you see it come to a white head.... or else it'll get much, much worse and possibly spread the bacteria to create more pimples.

Dap on benzoyl peroxide (5-10%) twice or three times a day to dry it up. Use coverup in the meantime to hide it.

dear pimple fanatic,

you can use proactiv if your skin isn't to bad, but if it is really bad,you should probably use aveeno, it's a positavely radiant cleanser... if you need anymore advice, e-mail me at c.sebesta@yahoo.com

what i do that works is before you go to bed at night put a dab of mint toothpaste on it most of the time the pimple is gone the next morning

good luck=]

apply toothpaste overnight.

or mix baking soda and water together to form like a lotion/ paste and apply to face and leave for 15 - 30 minutes, then wash off with warm water!

You can crush 1to 2 Aspirin tablets mix with a little water and apply on pimples for 15 minutes and wash. More such solutions at http://solutionsforpimples.blogspot.com/

proactive wash ur face everyday

"use moisterisers and nutrigena or proactive they work" even Brit spears thinks so too!!!!

Take more fruits, sleep early and drink more water.

Windex (from My Big Fat Greek Wedding)

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help pimple. Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by DaPino