วันอังคารที่ 21 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

What is the best way to dry up a pimple over night?

I generally don't have problems with acne, but 2 or so days ago I woke up to a HUGE pimple on my chin. And tomorrow I have a big event in the evening and I want it GONE!!! Any tips you have will be greatly appreciated!

Benzoyl peroxide, the ingredient found in some acne creams. Dab some on and it will kill bacteria and dry it up. But I don't know if its going to work in 24 hours. You may just have to use a little makeup and cover it up.

Hey, I understand your frustration!

I bought numerous anti-pimple/acne products but it doesn't help at all! I wasted like hundreds over dollars and have no results.

The most frustrating part is.. you think your face is about to be pimple/acne-free and you realize a new one is coming! ARGH!

I used to be in your shoes so I really understand how you feel. Now my skin is perfect and beautiful!

There's a book that helped me a lot - it clears pimple/acne myths and teaches you the real cure! It only took 2-3 days for my acne/pimples condition to improve significantly! This book has been the most talked about among determologists. Learn more about the book here: http://www.AcneFreeInThreeDays.tk

24hour may be too short to treat acne. If it is a pustule, draining it is the quickest. If it is not, need prescription cream or gel. Sometimes can inject with steriod. I can't tell without a photo of it.

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help pimple. Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by DaPino