วันอาทิตย์ที่ 19 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

How do I get rid of a difficult pimple within an hour?

I have this pimple (dont read if you get disgusted easily) that is above my chin and it is dried up but if i pick at it, it will just come back. Can someone tell me how to get rid of it within an hour?

if its a white head put hydrogen peroxide on it. if its ready to pop then the hydrogen peroxide will open up the pores and the puss will come out, you use hydrogen peroxide because it kills bacteria and it will lessen pimples from coming back. if its not ready then its just not ready...

dont touch it if you pick at it it will get redder and inflamed which you dont want. put a dab of toothpaste on it (not the gel) it should dry it out


Try toothpaste, sounds silly.. but its a wonder. It can dry up the pimple up to like 30 mins tops

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help pimple. Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by DaPino