วันอังคารที่ 12 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How can I get rid of this pimple on my lip?

Ive had this pimple( i think, im not sure) on my lip for atleast the past 4 months. I dont know how to get rid of it ive tried every pimple medicine and I cant seem to get rid of it. Any advice?

It might not be a pimple. The best thing to do is to go see your doctor. Better late than never.

4 M0NTHS ! ! ?? G0 2 UR D0C. A.S.A.P

Acne remedies at home


Dr Murads Acne Complex


If it is a pimple try using Epsom salt on your face.

It is doubtful that it is only a zit if you have had it for 4 months, you really should see your doctor.

Its probably a cold sore you can get special ointment for that at your local drugstore.If that's the case.


Maybe it's not a pimple.

Bite it

sounds like it's a cold sore, not a pimple. get some abreva. it's not cheap (i think it's like $16 for a little tube) but it works and you should be looking better in a couple days. if you are looking for a cheaper option, try carmex.

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help pimple. Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by DaPino