วันศุกร์ที่ 8 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What happens to a pimple if you never pop it?

I had a pimple on my back, but couldn't reach it, and now it is hard, but it doesn't hurt. Is this dangerous or could this become something serious down the road?

If it's only just a pimple, and it doesn't hurt, I don't see the danger in it. I never pop my pimples, because that can leave a scar, and I wouldn't want that. I would suggest leaving it alone, unless it really starts to bother you. And if it does, then I would see a doctor.

. try not to touch, pick or pop acne. that just leaves scars, then at night wash your face with some kind of cleanser, then tonic, then anti-oil, then cream. if this doesnt help after about a week, go to the dermotolegest. popping pimples is bad. if u dont pop it, the zit will pop by its self and it wont leave a scar

If it is under your skin, it will just go away. If it is on the surface, it will just be unsightly and uncomfortable for a while, don't worry, it will go away. Acne can be embarrassing at the best of times. I would try going into a site called Epinions.com and find out what users are saying about various products. Good hygene which involves regular bathing helps a lot. Good internal health is a major contributor to healthy skin. Try and stay away from the junk foods. I’ve also had good luck with a product called Acnezine. Try this source I found for more help: Good Luck

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help pimple. Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by DaPino