วันจันทร์ที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How do I get rid of the giant pimple on my nose?

I have this giant pimple on my nose. I have picked at it a lot, so it is really red and big.

I don't just want to ice it and use concealer, I want it GONE, possibley in 1 night.

yep toothpaste is the was to go

pop it

Try this, take a Q-tip and then dip it into boiling water, then put the Q-tip right on the pimple, it burns a bit but after a while, it will get soft and just use the Q-tip and rub it. then if you wish, you can pop it after that. it should work, if not, toothpaste also works.

toothpaste works the best and the cheapest... It dries that sucker right out...

go on nuetrogenas site. they have this line of products called "rapid clear" buy the 'acne eliminating spot gel' ($7) it will heal it in about 2-3 days.

Try rubbing alcohol, it dries them pretty good. In the mean time just act like Bozo the Clown and smile.

Read some tips on this site on how to get rid of pimples and acne

cut it off then ull just have a cut on your face ,u can say u fell instead of lookin like a zit face

Dab some toothpaste on it before you go to bed. Don't pick at it! That only makes it worse!

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help pimple. Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by DaPino