วันจันทร์ที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How can I reduce the redness of my pimple?

I've grown an embarassing red pimple in the most noticeable area on my face...my nose. I know it's not good to squeeze it, but what can I do to reduce the redness and make it less noticeable? I've tried covering it up with foundation, but the color is still visible. Any tips?

Eye drops. Like "Red out Visine".

toothpaste! when you go to sleep, put a dot of white toothpaste on it, and let it stay there while you sleep.. the pimple will be gone by morning... weird, i know, but its what i do to all mine!

p.s. HAS to be WHITE toothpaste... colored stuff wont work.

you can use visine, the best and easiest solution

some acne products also can reduce redness, CLINIQUE'S ACNE SOLUTION and MURAD ACNE COMPLEX have ingredients in their products that help reduce redness and swelling


I think it must be really hot ! their where u r living now u don't need any thing to put on simply drink water much as u can

use lotion that will do it

use fresh mint juice... and apply when ever u can....wash it off after 10 min...i hope this will help

mud mask will help visit our web site www.freewebs.com/cheapmudmask

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help pimple. Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by DaPino