วันจันทร์ที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What is the best pimple treatment product?

Pimple treatment product and NOT acne treatment since I only have a couple of pimples and not acne. Any suggestions?

the finger!!!! Tee hee hee

more information: http://squidoo.com/pimple http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20061213105645AAjXyvp&kid=FpUuXDS5BTYwVgPWZOVby.GIRVG_0KW.1svl7O2RxeeLOYrYmYUY&s=comm&date=2006-12-22+07%3A52%3A01&.crumb=

I put toothpaste on mine at night.

Use a on the spot pimple treatment or to keep them gone buy Proactive it works miracles!!!

zinc-oxide ointment. put it on at night and watch them shrink or sometimes even vanish by morning. just dont rub your face and then your eyes as this stuff can burn them.

Two fingers.

clearsil or fair nad lovely,menz active etc.

My daughter and I both use ZapZit. It's fantastic!!

It comes in blue and orange package and costs

around $3 a tube. We purchase it at Walmart and

I am sure other discount stores probably carry it

as well. Fast results or at least with us.

Tooth Paste of course!

Dalacin T Solution,it dries up the pimple overnight.be sure to wash your face with a neutrogena soap prior.

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help pimple. Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by DaPino