วันจันทร์ที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to get rid of black pimple scars?

I realize that some scars on human skin can be either black or white. While having a fair skin it is not good to have a black pimple scar.

I have that problem. On my face, sometimes my pimples 'wounded' and leave out scars when they healed. What irate me the most is the black colour of the scar. It makes my face look dirty and unclean.

I have tried to wach my face more often but the problems seems to lie there forever.

Anyone have any idea how my skin can produce a fairer scar?

apply lemon juice


If you're looking for home remedies, you could try rubbing your scars every single day with fresh lemon juice and leave it on for 15 minutes. as you know, lemon is a natural bleach and in no time at all, your scars will be lightened if you keep up with this treatments 'til you reach your target.

try mederma . its a miracle worker ! =]

it works for any type of scars . i had ver bad acne last year && it left a bunch of scars . i used mederma && now i dont have any . a tube costs about 2o dollars .

solution: dermaline skin whitening cream..

this safe and potent formula can get rid of dark skin spots.

I have heard that bio oil is good for scars.

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help pimple. Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by DaPino