วันจันทร์ที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How do you get rid of pimple and scars fast?

School is starting in three weeks and i need to know how to get rid of pimples and pimple scars extremely fast without a dermatologist.

Acne scarring is perhaps worse than the acne itself.

My acne scars weren't horrible. They probably weren't even that noticeable after I put on my foundation. However, I certainly noticed them and that was all it took to bother ME.

If you've got acne scars, you may feel a bit helpless. But you don't have to because there are alternatives to getting rid of acne scars. And you CAN do something about it.

So what do you do about it? Well, there is totally a solution ... actually there are many.

These are NATURAL treatments.

Now, just because you hear the word "natural", I don't want you to shake your head and think you need to just buy some over the counter miracle cream. These remedies WORK! And you'll find that by consistently using them, your acne scars WILL fade just like mine did.

So without further ado, here are my favorite natural acne scar solutions:

Vitamin E

Don't underestimate the power of this healing lotion. You can get it at any drugstore in topical form. I have a HUGE bottle of it under my sink :) . Vitamin E naturally heals scars by moisterizing the damaged skin. Use it everyday to fade away acne scars.

Cocoa Butter

This one should be used carefully. If your acne is not already under control, cocoa butter does pose the threat of additional breakouts. However, if you're using the 3 Day Cure technique and your skin is finally clear, this is a powerful healing tool. Cocoa Butter will soften skin, lighten the scars and make them fade into nothing. I love this one. By the way, Cocoa Butter also works great on fading stretch marks.


Okay, this is totally gonna change your life! Honey works overtime on acne & acne scars. Yes, Honey! When I first learned about this natural remedy, I was pretty bewildered. The sound of it alone is confusing. Honey is a sticky, sugary substance. How can it possibly clear up skin?

Honey kills bacteria while simultaneously lessens the red look of irritated skin. The acidity in the honey evens out your skin tone, shrinks current pimples and will give your skin a softer feel. Listen, I know you may be skeptical of this solution. I was at first, then I tried it. This natural acne scar remedy works great.


Lemon will help clear up acne as well as fade acne scars. Plus your face will smell like a freshly shined harwood floor, so that's a plus ;)

The acidity in the juice will lighten the redness of the scars and balance your skin's pH levels to prevent future breakouts. Give it a shot.

You can find a lot of other natural acne treatments and acne scar treatments through the Source link below.


What kind of honey did you use? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20080721193353AAljMCv&kid=BZMrHVu7LEWbhG8.quFp&s=comm&date=2009-05-09+15%3A29%3A38&.crumb=

for pimples nothing, and i mean nothing will clear pimples like peroxide or tea tree oil! Peroxide works fast but can dry your face out, but, tea tree oil doesn't dry out the skin, you can put it in your facial soap or toner. Use it in the morning and before you go to bed and your skin will be clear in no time!!! Good Luck:)

Hi soccerdoll226,

I can help you with the first part getting rid of the pimples. Acne Free In 3 Days works amazingly. For more info go here http://offur.com/AcneFreeIn3Days .

For the removal of scars there are a few very good products, see the link below for more info.

Good Luck.

i don't think you can get rid of scars, but you can try to cover them up with a good foundation. also if you want to get rid of pimples just keep your face clean, but don't scrub at it and don't pop any zits.

I recommend using herbal cream like Zenmed Scar and Hyperpigmentation Treatment:


You can expect great results quickly and easily :-)

i have the same problem and some of the acne fading treatments are expensive so i heard that you put neosporin on it so i tried it and it worked AMAZING i used it once and i could tell that my skin looked more flawless with less spots and blotchiness i put it on when i go to bed and i use it a few times a week just depends on how bad yours are when youll start to see results but you will get them with this stuff! i love it! and i found some of these acne spot fading treatments and there pretty good ive tried some of them and i love them!












also what u need to do is whenever you sense/feel a zit comming on put ice on it for 10 minutes i do this whenever i get zits which is like all the time im like u! and it will really bring down the swelling so it wont be as red as big or as noticeable and what i use it noxema microbead cleanser and noxema anti blemish astrigent and sometimes clean and clear astrigent also if your washing your face more than twice a day that could be the reason because it will irritate your skin and make acne worse! so wash it in the morning and evening and moisturize alot and DONT PICK YOUR ZITS! that will make them worse and they will leave scars trust me i have all kinds of scars ive had them for years! also when i go to bed i dab some solid deoderant on the zit or toothpaste or some acne medication i like oxy medication or neutrogena and it really does the trick and if you do that every night it will dry up on about 2 days

and i use facemasks and i like to use honey and lemon juice the honey is anti bacterial so its good with acne and the lemon juice is the same and it will lighten the red places on your skin and tighten your pores and honey and yogurt do the same thing just it doesnt lighten the red places from acne and dont touch your face if you touch it alot that could be the problem and the stridex too also if you wear makeup make sure it says non comedogenic that means it wont clog pores or make you break out and if you wear concealer get one with acne medication in it

also you need to exfoliate twice a week NO MORE THAN THAT! nuetrogena is a little more expensive but its worth it because its really good i recommend EVERYTHING they have for acne! you def. get what your paying for and it will clear you acne up in no time!

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help pimple. Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by DaPino