วันพุธที่ 20 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552


OMG i have a pimple and i have picture day 2moroow how do i get rid of it?? ASAP

Ok first put some aloe vera on it so it doesn't get worse and if you use the aloe vera for like a week then the pimple will be gone forever....but to rid of the pimple before tomorrow put toothpaste on it and go to sleep...in the morning put some visine on it if its red and then put some concealer on the pimple and then put on some foundation, a little blush, mascara and a beautiful smile!!! That should help.

Aww man, i have acne, and i use this to get rid of it, or atleast reduce it:

Shower in lukewarm-Hot water so as to wash some of the pores and open them up.

then i get out and put Oxy OR rubbing alchohal on the infested area, then sleep itoff, in the morning, about 1/3 of them should be gone

sinc http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20061019154644AApEPZb&kid=ObNkW3bjWWuvtXDfh0rO&s=comm&date=2008-11-08+17%3A28%3A44&.crumb=

if you have to get rid of it by tommorrow, probably the only thing you can use is make-up.

try a cream toothpaste, put it on and leave it on till it dries or all night.

You can use peroxide on it, that should get rid of it by tomorrow.

That happened to me too! There is nothing you can do about it but if you want a facial might help,go to walmart and buy one there.

OK I know I may sound dumb but I try this all the time and it really works:

If you have eye drops for the eyes:

Put the little bottle in the freezer let it get cold not frozen then put a few drops in a cotton ball and rub it in the pimple it will smoothly go away trust me!!!It will leave you know marks or scars. Trust me it really works!

well don't bust it because you'll scar up your face see if your school has make up picture day.

wash ur face then put toothpaste on it, keep it there for a while, when then u will be going to bed wash ur face again very carefully. im the morning when u wake up and its still there put make-up on it.

drink lots of water, run out and buy an acne mask, put on acne cream before u go to bed, wash ur face when u wake up, add some blush onto the pimple and it shood b unnoticable

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Clean and Clear Spot Acne Treatment.

Dr. Murad’s Acne Complex

All over the world so much research has been done to curb acne because it makes beautiful faces ugly and full of black prominent spots. Very many researches have been conducted and a few have tasted success. One of them is Acne Complex.

Before getting into the details of Acne Complex, we need to know more about acne.

Acne is a skin disorder that usually happens when a person is in the teens. During that particular period of life, in both male and female bodies, Androgen, a male sex hormone, increases. This increase of Androgen does not necessarily happen in everybodys body. But in whosever’s body this increase happens, it causes overproduction of sebum and keratin. This results in clogged pores of the skin and infection. This is called acne. In the case of acne the hormones can create acne beyond teenage years. Especially among women this trend is seen.

Dr. Murad’s Acne Complex says that 3 simple steps, 2 times a day can reduce and clear your skin in 4 weeks. Seeing the popularity of Acne Complex one can understand that Acne Complex is certainly effective.

In the Acne Complex kit there are 3 items. A Clarifying Cleanser, an Exfoliating Acne Treatment Gel and a Skin Perfecting Lotion. The direction of use is given in the Acne Complex kit. Otherwise you can learn it on the website of Acne Complex. You can even order Acne Complex from their website too.

pop it... and use lots of makeup. or go to re-take day.

Calm down! Get some face paint that matches your color. Then in the morning,paint on your pimple and you'll look normal.

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help pimple. Template by Exotic Mommie Illustration by DaPino